A.3 Resource Allocation and Prioritization

A.3 – Resource Allocation and Prioritization

Alignment with Planning

TAM resource allocation prioritization factors and analysis parameters should reflect the organizational goals, objectives, and priorities established in the agency long range transportation plans, state transportation improvement plans, transportation asset management plans, and other similar or related documents.  Through alignment with planning, TAM can effectively communicate program value, priorities, and needs, to better compete for limited agency funds.

Typical Prioritization Factors

There are any number of ways a DOT might prioritize asset or investment decisions.  Example prioritization factors are shared on the following page.

Analysis Parameters

Typical analysis parameters include:

  • Analysis Horizon: Establish the base and future years for the analysis.
  • Network or Inventory: Identify the included/excluded subsets of the asset inventory or agency network.
  • Available Funding: Document current and/or projected funding constraints.
  • Minimum or Desired State: Set minimum or desired condition or performance levels that must be delivered by an optimized TAM investment strategy.
  • Treatment Benefits and Costs: Quantify eligible investment types, their impact on asset condition, performance, or other metrics included in the analysis, and their associated cost.
  • Asset Deterioration Models:  Model the impact of the lack of investment to asset condition, performance, or other metrics.

Associated Response Templates
Important Terminology

The following terms are used within this Section.

Analysis Parameters:

Key inputs to agency asset management or investment optimization analysis, such as asset deterioration rates, treatment condition reset values, treatment unit costs, or analysis time horizons.

Cross Asset Metrics:

Metrics allowing for measurement and comparison of outcomes across asset programs, typically established based on the agency goals and performance objectives. Examples can include benefit, value, need backlog, safety, operational performance, etc.

Investment Prioritization Factors:

Factors allowing individual projects or other asset management investment opportunities to be evaluated against program goals or performance objectives for purposes of investment optimization or prioritization (see examples above).

Conceptual Examples
TAM Investment Prioritization Factors
Asset Tiers

Group assets into management tiers to support cross-asset prioritization. For example, Bridge, Pavement, and ITS assets may be prioritized over other assets.

Roadway Classification

DOTs commonly prioritize maintenance or replacement of assets on Interstate or higher functional class roadways over roadways with lower classifications.

Asset Classification

Examine asset sub-types or classifications to identify investment priorities.  For example, 4-bolt cantilever structures may be prioritized for maintenance or inspection over other types of structures due to safety concerns.

Asset Condition, Performance, or Known Deficiencies

Prioritize investment in assets within certain condition or performance levels.  For example, traffic signals which are operating inefficiently may be prioritized for retiming, component repair or replacement, or even for a full rebuild.

Asset Usage or Risk-Based Factors

High use or risk assets are often prioritized TAM investment.  For example, bridges with long detour lengths, or use of roadway departure crash rates to prioritize roadside safety hardware investment.